When you are an affiliate marketer and promote products within a specific niche you probably already have some grasp of the concept of pre-selling. If you pre-sell a product, you are just, basically, warming up your prospective buyer so that he or she will have a better idea about making the decision to buy from you. Obviously, though, to get it right and to ensure your pre-sell's success, you need to keep some things in mind. Most of the successful affiliate marketers out there understand that pre-selling is an art and that's why they're at the tops of their games. Let's explore some things you can do to get a leg up on the ladder of success.
If you've used the product that you're pre-selling and have gotten results, then it's a good opportunity for you to leverage these very results to boost your conversion rates. This is a powerful method because, most of the time, people don't care so much about the product but what it can accomplish for them. However when you choose to implement this tip, you need to make sure that you are totally honest so that your prospects know they can trust you. You can include those results in a review you write or use them as the basis for a case studies; case studies have been known to help build both momentum for and connections with a product.
Do not ever use distress or pain to agitate your prospects; your pre-selling is meant for one thing: to help your prospects feel comfortable and happy; not to feel negative or bullied. Distress and pain are good weapons but only when you are selling, not when you are pre-selling. Instead, paint a rosy picture of the product by focusing on the positive effects the product will have on the prospect's life.
You should try and use supporting data from legitimate sources when creating your pre-sell content, so that your prospects know that the product you're pre-selling is the real deal. Any type of widely/commonly accepted support will prove to be a great help when increasing your conversion rate. People have faith in supporting data--it gives them the confidence to make the buying decision you want them to make. Just see to it that you're not doing anything that might make your prospects feel like they are being scammed or lead into false information. Transparency and honesty matter quite a lot here.
Learning how to properly pre-sell isn't hard, your primary focus needs to be on building the strongest foundation from the very beginning. Focus on the basics and get them right before you start your pre-selling stuff; be confident that your product is good and that your decisions are considered and not made hastily.
Pre-selling does give results but it will take some time before you can really see them, especially if you have just started out. So what are you waiting for? Start pre-selling right now and watch the results skyrocket!
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